Tuesday 3 April 2012

Shadow of the Colossus Review

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This is by far for me, my favourite Playstation 2 game of all time! Everything that I've wanted in a game, Shadow of Colossus delivers. And that is why I thought I would start the PS2 Reviews with a bang!
Shadow of Colossus is a Action-Adventure game developed and published by Sony for the Playstation 2. The game follows the adventure known as Wander who must travel on horse back to slay the 16 Colossi, in order to restore life into a young girl called Mono.


Though some PS2 games do not have the best of graphics, for me Shadow of Colossus brings great depth and outstanding graphics for a PS2 game. The land on which you travel around is spectacularly designed to be an open,  free-roaming environment, which really helps to bring out the beautifully designed land. Some graphics can be a bit edgy but what can you expect from a PS2 game.
There's hardly any music throughout this game but when there is, it's powerful! You either get the soft melodic music for the intro and end cut scenes. And then you get the powerful, intense music for when you fight the gigantic colossi's. The music throughout this game is put together perfectly.


In Shadow of Colossus the gameplay is very basic yet very enjoyable and intense as well. As in: You only have two weapons: Your trusty sword, and your loyal bow and arrows. Your probably thinking.'' How on earth are you going to do that much damage to these gigantic colossi's with just a sword and a bow'' But that's what makes this game amazing! You have to face all of this monstrous colossi's that are so much more powerful than you with just your two weapons. So again a great feature.
Throughout the game you have to find where the colossi's are hiding out. Your sword uses a beam of sunlight to guide you to where your next foe will be. Once you have reached your destination your use the usual jump and climb technique, but like all games you cant go wrong with that excitement of exploring. Now you will be faced by one of the many colossi's. And this game just brings it all, you have to use your skill and your wit to find a designated area of the colossi to destroy in order to defeat it. Some have one and some have loads, and they can be anywhere. Once you have found that area strike it with your sword and after a while the colossi will be defeated! An intense action packed adventure, filled with puzzles.
My one and only bad point for this game is that they could of added a few more colossi's into the game, just to make it that little more longer and enjoyable. But there is always a time attack mode for any of you that fancy a challenge.


Shadow of Colossus for me is an amazing game. I've had it for years now, yet I keep coming back to it for more and more play throughs, sometimes just to explore all the areas that I never did before. If you love your over the top Action-Adventure games with a few challenging puzzles and twists, and get excited about being up against ridiculous gigantic creatures, and then your little self then you will love this. A must by for all PS2 fans.



Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core Review

final fantasy vii: crisis core


Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is anaction role-playing game developed bySquare Enix for the PlayStation Portable. The game is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII and is also the sixth instalment in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.


Where to start... we all know that all Final Fantasy games have spectacular graphics.. so the question is, how are the graphics on a handheld console? Well the cut scenes are absolutely stunning, no surprise there, you'll be taken away every time a cut scene appears.
As for the in-game graphics, their obviously a little knocked down from the movie cut scenes, but are just as amazing. They look smooth, crisp and suit the game just perfectly for a PSP.


Well to begin with the gameplay has changed from the usual Final Fantasy fighting gameplay. Instead of the, wait your turn to attack, then it's your chance to attack style of gameplay that we all come to love. Which is a great change to the previous games. The controls are a bit technical at first, taking some time to get used to but once you get into it the game controls will just come naturally. The controls really give this game a real depth to the fighting style of this Final Fantasy game.


Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core is a great game, with fantastic visuals and amazing cut scenes for a handheld console. The gameplay also is a great take on what a PSP can do. The different style of fighting hasn't down-founded anything about this title.
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core is a defiant for your collection and at such a great price you'll be missing out on a classic game for your PSP.



Ghostbusters: The Video Game Review


Ghostbusters: The Video Game is a 2009 actionvideo game. The game was released amidst several delays in development and multiple publisher changes.
The game, based on the Ghostbusters film franchise, follows the player's character as a new recruit in the Ghostbusters, a team of parapsychologists who pursue and capture ghosts. The game is a third-person shooter, but instead of using a traditional gun, players are equipped with a "proton pack", a laser beam-like weapon, and a ghost trap to fight and capture ghosts.
The graphics for me are not to bad yet not beautifully stunning. But still look half decent.. an average all-round looking game. Though the lip sinking can be slightly tedious throughout the game. Especially online.
The visuals on the levels are nicely polished and well put together. And because it's set in third-person view you get a chance to really see the environment around you and appreciate the work put into them.
The ghouls look great, when your facing all types of ghosts and ghouls they look fantastic as you walk around blasting your way through the levels.
Gameplay for Ghostbusters: The Video Game is based the same as any other third-person game, yet this really seems to work for Ghostbusters, making it a very fun and enjoyable game.
The story mode is relatively short and can only take you a couple of hours to complete. But the online does make up for it. You team up with fellow Ghostbusters in loads of different variations of game modes. To me the best feature of the game is the online. its quick and easy to get into and great to play, and has loads of online trophies to keep you entertained online for a long time.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game is a great game, minus the disappointment of story mode, as it's not the longest story mode but still is really enjoyable. Online, well if Ghostbusters didn't have online I probably wouldn't of purchased the game to be honest, but with that said the online is fantastic, and will keep you playing the game for as long as it will take you to achieve all the greatness from online.
A must pick up if your into third-person shooters and fighting ghosts online and of.

Fat Princess Review

fat princess
Fat Princess is a downloadable game for the Playstation Network developed by Titan Studiosand published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was released in North America, Europe, and Australia on July 30, 2009.
Fat Princess is primarily a one to thirty-two multiplayer game with the basic goal of collecting the Princess, bringing her back to the team's base, and then protecting her. The game contains six character classes (The Villager, The Worker, The Mage, The Ranger, The Priest, and The Warrior) each of which helps to make the team's task of capturing the princess easier.
The look for Fat Princess is created just perfectly for the game. The cartoony, comic book look makes this game look brilliant and such a pleasure while you're playing the game. The visuals really do make this game stand out and really bring such emphasis to this brilliant title.
Now if you're looking for a game to pass the time or a game to take over in you in online mayhem, then Fat Princess is for you either way. You have six types of characters to play, all with their own special techniques to win the game or to pick up loads of kills.
There's lots of different online game modes to choose from, that all go on for a long time, so you can fully enjoy your time while playing this great game. So choose your class and get stuck into hectic, fast paced multiplayer, that will keep you playing this game for a very long time.
Fat Princess to some may cost a fair bit of money, which I do agree on, and that's why I was sceptical in buying it. But I was glad that I did. It has such depth to it's online mode, that will keep you playing for years to come. Also the trophies will keep you coming back to get that pesky 100%.
For me Fat Princess is defiantly worth the money and is a fantastic game with such an amazing multiplayer, that will get you hooked from the moment you first play the game.

Tomb Raider Underworld Review

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Tomb Raider: Underworld, also known as Tomb Raider 8, is the eighth game in the Tomb Raider series. Tomb Raider: Underworld continues Lara Croft's search for Avalon, the mythical resting place of King Arthur, and the place where Amanda claimed Lara's mother is.


Tomb Raider: Underworld brings in depth graphics, much better than it's predecessors.. Yet that's probably why the graphics for this game stand out a lot more. Nonetheless the scenery for each level is beautifully designed, perfect for a Tomb Raider game.


If your familiar with previous Tomb Raider games then your have no problem with the controls, though they can be really slow controlling and tedious at times. You have to take your time with each jump, because if you don't she'll end up doing something you didn't command her to do.. What can be really frustrating at times.
The story is a pretty basic storyline, it's your typical Tomb Raider storyline. Once you get into it, it is a very fun, yet interesting game to follow, minus the bad points. Two of those bad points are the length of the game. The certain levels may be frustratingly long but as a game as a whole, it is rather short, six chapters in all. And unless your good with puzzles your struggle on this. They have really notched it up a bit with the puzzles from the last ones. They can be really time consuming, thoughtful, and annoying as well. But if your into your Tomb Raider's then this will satisfy you for as long as it lasts you.


This is a fun and enjoyable game while it lasts, if you can get past the fiddly and frustrating controls at times. If your a huge fan of Tomb Raider games then this one is still for you, so if your into it or not I do recommend you pick it up for a steal price or it's perfect for a week rental.



Prototype Review



Prototype is developed by Radical Entertainment. The game is set in New York City as a virus infects people and the military attempts to put an end to it. The protagonist of the story is named Alex Mercer, who has enemy-absorbing and shape shifting powers. He can take memories, experiences, biomass and physical forms of enemies through absorption. Alex can also shape shift into more specialised forms for attack, defence or sensory enhancement.


Prototype as you know is a dark game, so most of the gameplay is going to be fairly dark, but needless to say it doesn't ruin the graphics at all for me. The scenery is designed perfectly to suit the atmosphere and style of the game.


Now for me Prototypes gameplay is one of the best types of games (Free roaming). All of the abilities and superpowers that you gain really makes this game a great experience. Having the skill to switch and use each skill to benefit you to make things easier for you takes skill and great knowledge which can make the game very challenging at a lot of times.
There are two down points though to Prototypes gameplay which are; The story mode can be short. Now if you run from one mission to the other constantly, you will probably complete the game within a day (I did).
And secondly there can be a few glitches and bugs now and then, but if your someone who doesn't get fazed by them, then this will be no problem for you.


Prototype is a great Action packed, over the top, free roaming game, which can be one of the best games your buy this year, with a great story line and action packed gameplay throughout.
There are a few bad points to this game, like how you do the story mode and a few glitches here and there. But like I said it's all about how you want to play your game.
But even if the story mode doesn't do it for you, at least the Trophies will keep you going with a lot of hard work needed.
It's a defiant pick up from me.



Damnation Review

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Damnation centers around a group of freedom fighters led by a Hamilton Rourke in a desperate attempt to protect a war torn, heavily industrialized America from a dictator.


Damnation's graphics, let's just say are not up to stratch. The graphics are just apoorling for the PS3 system, they do nothing to show the true potenital of the PS3's graphics. I started on the game, playing it in non HD for the first two levels. Then after that I plugged in the HD.. And to be honest I couldn't tell the difference.
Everything to the scenery to the voice overs are just not there. I really found it hard to get into the scenery views.. I couldn't be bothered to look around and take them in, yet this game is suppose to be the free-roaming, climb anything, exploring game that Damnation is suppose to be.


Again a lot of negative views on the gameplay. I'm always up for a challenge and to try new game's and game styles out, yet Damnation may of just ended that for me. The controls are poor, controlling your character to do the roof-climbing, cliff hanging moves are a pain. The character in all seems very stiff and very stressful to use.
The story mode.. Well I never managed to actually get into nor follow the story mode at all.. And I played the game through three times. They added in a Multiplayer mode.. Which is a nice touch if it was actually worth it. After finally deciding to go for it and try it out I didn't much care for it at all.. Because in single player it's a pain to control your people you can manage how stressful playing online can be.
I hate to be hard on games.. I really do, but Damnation pushes it a bit to far.. But I will give it one good point.. Trophies. If your a fellow Trophy Hunter then you may as well pick this game up for rental, as I managed to get Platinum in one day of rental. And the reason I say rental is because you defiantly don't want to buy this game more than a £10. You will be ripped of.


I know there's been a lot of really bad reviews for Damnation scattered around everywhere.. But all I can say is there all right. Damnation is a terrible game, and I'm not one to put a game down, I'm willing to try anything.. But.. Damnation doesn't do anything right: Graphics, voice overs, gameplay, story.. nothing. So avoid Damnation at all costs.. unless.. your a Trophy Hunter.. Let's just say it's another quick Platinum to add to your collection. But if your into your your oldie shooter games (But nothing like Uncharted) then you may see yourself enjoy it.
