Tuesday 3 April 2012

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Review


Ghostbusters: The Video Game is a 2009 actionvideo game. The game was released amidst several delays in development and multiple publisher changes.
The game, based on the Ghostbusters film franchise, follows the player's character as a new recruit in the Ghostbusters, a team of parapsychologists who pursue and capture ghosts. The game is a third-person shooter, but instead of using a traditional gun, players are equipped with a "proton pack", a laser beam-like weapon, and a ghost trap to fight and capture ghosts.
The graphics for me are not to bad yet not beautifully stunning. But still look half decent.. an average all-round looking game. Though the lip sinking can be slightly tedious throughout the game. Especially online.
The visuals on the levels are nicely polished and well put together. And because it's set in third-person view you get a chance to really see the environment around you and appreciate the work put into them.
The ghouls look great, when your facing all types of ghosts and ghouls they look fantastic as you walk around blasting your way through the levels.
Gameplay for Ghostbusters: The Video Game is based the same as any other third-person game, yet this really seems to work for Ghostbusters, making it a very fun and enjoyable game.
The story mode is relatively short and can only take you a couple of hours to complete. But the online does make up for it. You team up with fellow Ghostbusters in loads of different variations of game modes. To me the best feature of the game is the online. its quick and easy to get into and great to play, and has loads of online trophies to keep you entertained online for a long time.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game is a great game, minus the disappointment of story mode, as it's not the longest story mode but still is really enjoyable. Online, well if Ghostbusters didn't have online I probably wouldn't of purchased the game to be honest, but with that said the online is fantastic, and will keep you playing the game for as long as it will take you to achieve all the greatness from online.
A must pick up if your into third-person shooters and fighting ghosts online and of.

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