Tuesday 3 April 2012

Prototype Review



Prototype is developed by Radical Entertainment. The game is set in New York City as a virus infects people and the military attempts to put an end to it. The protagonist of the story is named Alex Mercer, who has enemy-absorbing and shape shifting powers. He can take memories, experiences, biomass and physical forms of enemies through absorption. Alex can also shape shift into more specialised forms for attack, defence or sensory enhancement.


Prototype as you know is a dark game, so most of the gameplay is going to be fairly dark, but needless to say it doesn't ruin the graphics at all for me. The scenery is designed perfectly to suit the atmosphere and style of the game.


Now for me Prototypes gameplay is one of the best types of games (Free roaming). All of the abilities and superpowers that you gain really makes this game a great experience. Having the skill to switch and use each skill to benefit you to make things easier for you takes skill and great knowledge which can make the game very challenging at a lot of times.
There are two down points though to Prototypes gameplay which are; The story mode can be short. Now if you run from one mission to the other constantly, you will probably complete the game within a day (I did).
And secondly there can be a few glitches and bugs now and then, but if your someone who doesn't get fazed by them, then this will be no problem for you.


Prototype is a great Action packed, over the top, free roaming game, which can be one of the best games your buy this year, with a great story line and action packed gameplay throughout.
There are a few bad points to this game, like how you do the story mode and a few glitches here and there. But like I said it's all about how you want to play your game.
But even if the story mode doesn't do it for you, at least the Trophies will keep you going with a lot of hard work needed.
It's a defiant pick up from me.



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