Tuesday 3 April 2012

Damnation Review

Picture 13


Damnation centers around a group of freedom fighters led by a Hamilton Rourke in a desperate attempt to protect a war torn, heavily industrialized America from a dictator.


Damnation's graphics, let's just say are not up to stratch. The graphics are just apoorling for the PS3 system, they do nothing to show the true potenital of the PS3's graphics. I started on the game, playing it in non HD for the first two levels. Then after that I plugged in the HD.. And to be honest I couldn't tell the difference.
Everything to the scenery to the voice overs are just not there. I really found it hard to get into the scenery views.. I couldn't be bothered to look around and take them in, yet this game is suppose to be the free-roaming, climb anything, exploring game that Damnation is suppose to be.


Again a lot of negative views on the gameplay. I'm always up for a challenge and to try new game's and game styles out, yet Damnation may of just ended that for me. The controls are poor, controlling your character to do the roof-climbing, cliff hanging moves are a pain. The character in all seems very stiff and very stressful to use.
The story mode.. Well I never managed to actually get into nor follow the story mode at all.. And I played the game through three times. They added in a Multiplayer mode.. Which is a nice touch if it was actually worth it. After finally deciding to go for it and try it out I didn't much care for it at all.. Because in single player it's a pain to control your people you can manage how stressful playing online can be.
I hate to be hard on games.. I really do, but Damnation pushes it a bit to far.. But I will give it one good point.. Trophies. If your a fellow Trophy Hunter then you may as well pick this game up for rental, as I managed to get Platinum in one day of rental. And the reason I say rental is because you defiantly don't want to buy this game more than a £10. You will be ripped of.


I know there's been a lot of really bad reviews for Damnation scattered around everywhere.. But all I can say is there all right. Damnation is a terrible game, and I'm not one to put a game down, I'm willing to try anything.. But.. Damnation doesn't do anything right: Graphics, voice overs, gameplay, story.. nothing. So avoid Damnation at all costs.. unless.. your a Trophy Hunter.. Let's just say it's another quick Platinum to add to your collection. But if your into your your oldie shooter games (But nothing like Uncharted) then you may see yourself enjoy it.


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